Tuesday, October 11, 2011

10/12 Assignment

My first impression after reading Foucault's essay is how interesting it is. I have been aware of the statistics of the return rate of prisoners. Everything Foucault says makes sense, although I think, at least in this essay, he left one portion out.

Foucault's statistics are from the 1800's a time of industrial revolution a time where knowledge is at the tip of accessibility. What Foucault doesn't mention were the techniques implemented in the times before. The method was simple: kill. For thousands and thousands of years men had been hung as punishment for a fair number of crimes. With what we know now, it seems to be quite a logical choice. I'm not saying i'm promoting the death penalty and especially not the way its executed (pardon the pun) in our legal system. I cannot help but point out the logic associated with it. People these days would never be able to keep out the ethos for the same illogical reasons abortion isn't widespread available.

Foucault made me realize how our system has been moving backwards and the worst part is that there is no sign of it changing. Even with all our new found knoweldge of our own brains we should know now that there is damage that is virtually un repairable. Even what is reparable would take more time than it's worth. At point will humanity begin to cut the cord and stop wasting its time on delinquents with no foreseeable future? Will humanity ever reach this point? Or will this be the reason humanity will cease to exist?

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

10/4 Assignment

My reaction after reading Audre Lorde's A New Spelling of My Name, I instantly sympathized and empathized with her. I can only imagine what it must have been like growing up in a poor black family not to mention Audre had a weight problem, speech impediment and was legally blind. If Audre was a hand in Texas Hold 'Em poker, she would be a 2-7 off suit, you might as well just fold. I would have folded that hand. Audre bet through, was confident that her hand was winnable. In the end, even if she was bluffing, she still comes away with the pot.

I see reading and writing for Lorde as her only means of communication and thus would explain her instant liking and interest towards it. Lorde probably looked at the text as if somebody was speaking to her, as in a story. She realized that she wasn't able to see the author, just as she hadn't been able to see much at all. This is where Lorde realizes that she can hind behind her words, use them as a wall to protect herself. In person, she was probably an eye sore and with her speech problem difficult to listen to. Behind her words she could be whatever she wanted to be. The reader would never see her, but could feel as though they had met her. In the end I'm glad she found her place and worked it out.


For the 2nd portion of my blog entry I would like to address each of Neil Postman and Charles Weingartner's 15 points on an individual level for organization purposes.

1.  Fail - I probably seem like a student would prefer a class without texbooks, but in this scenario I believe it gives the teacher too much power in the classroom. With no text book I would fear that I would be learning a person's opinion rather than the true unbiased subject matter(if there is such a thing.)

2. Having an teacher's switch subjects might not be the worst idea at the lower grade levels. This would allow the teacher to enthused about teaching, having it be different each year. This is a technique used for workers on assembly lines. Workers in plants often switch tasks to keep things fresh.

3. HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA  no way could my kindergarten teacher have handled ANY of my high school classes. The Elementary school teachers would get walked all over.

4. We already do this, its called a Ph.D

5. I don't have a problem trashing the system right now and rewriting with the new learning techniques we have know. Knowledge is changing at such a fast rate that I don't think it makes such a difference.

6. I don't understand the need to put a limit on anything within the classroom, although intensified structure might be beneficial.

7. This voids the entire Socratic method of teaching, which is a proven technique with thousands of years of experience.

8. I wish, but impossible

9- end) I'm starting to see this now as a joke. I realize i took the whole thing too seriously. Taking a step back and looking at these texts as a joke. This was probably written by a couple of idiots attempting to get a rise out of people. They are the "Devils Advocate" for education. There credentials are in media, put two and two together. These guys know how to get a reaction out of people and I was stupid enough to fall for it.
